ALQUIMIA INTERNA (inner alchemy)
Alquimia Interna is a Visual Album composed by 10 original songs written and produced by me, in English and Spanish, reflecting the period I spent in England 2020, during the pandemic, unable to return to my family.
The music and lyrics came to me as a sweet balm when I felt lost and disoriented and took refuge in music to process the pain and the fleeting and irrational loss of my grandmother Bernarda.
Also includes a short film that connects the 10 songs with visuals, in a cinematic format, showing a journey of transformation and healing through emotions and the world of the unconscious.
This is my own journey and the journey that the women in my family have taken during years, as well as so many women and men around the world who have felt alone, misunderstood or silenced. With this album I want to give voice to all that is repressed, to empower it and bring hope to all hearts.
Each song is a chapter of the short film and has a message and intention. For now, we have revealed only the name of the first song: “ALLOW” and its message: “El Permiso”. The other songs will be revealed in the coming months. Do you dare to guess any title?
THE SONGS on the album
THE SONGS on the album

The Permission: ALLOW
Permission to enter the depths.
This song talks about allowing change to come into your life, it talks about trusting life, trusting yourself, letting go, letting the tears flow, the pain, the laughter, with an open heart… and even with past wounds, learn to trust and allow change.
Open your heart even if it hurts and let those sincere tears from a heavy past flow and cleanse your soul.
Let it happen.
“I trust in life. I trust myself. I allow myself to heal, I open myself to a bigger purpose. I open my heart.”
The Permission: ALLOW
Permission to enter the depths.
This song talks about allowing change to come into your life, it talks about trusting life, trusting yourself, letting go, letting the tears flow, the pain, the laughter, with an open heart… and even with past wounds, learn to trust and allow change.
Open your heart even if it hurts and let those sincere tears from a heavy past flow and cleanse your soul.
Let it happen.
“I trust in life. I trust myself. I allow myself to heal. I open myself to a bigger purpose. I open my heart.”

It is time for Introspection, to stop and meditate to start the dialogue with your being and the Universe.
This song invites you to stop to listen and reflect on your life. Where am I going? where I want to take my life? etc. who do I want to become?
The first step to change is awareness. This is your moment.
Listen to your heart’s desire.
“I give myself space, attention and permission to blossom. I trust the universe and let myself be guided. I listen to my intuition.”

It is time for Introspection, to stop and meditate to start the dialogue with your being and the Universe.
This song invites you to stop to listen and reflect on your life. Where am I going? where I want to take my life? etc. who do I want to become?
The first step to change is awareness. This is your moment.
Listen to your heart’s desire.
“I give myself space, attention and permission to blossom. I trust the universe and let myself be guided. I listen to my intuition.”

What is your truth?
It is time to separate and distinguish between your truth and the truths of others.
It’s time to identify the voices in your head, among them that of the judge who talks about limits, rules, what is right, what is wrong, about seriousness, judgments, criticism, perfectionism, your fears and those of others, etc It’s time to choose your own narrative.
Break the silence and write a letter from your truth with everything you no longer wish to keep in your life.
“I am willing to be myself without hiding. I live my truth, for me and for all those who came before and couldn’t. I deserve to be happy. I deserve to be happy. My life is a miracle.”
What is your truth?
It is time to separate and distinguish between your truth and the truths of others.
It’s time to identify the voices in your head, among them that of the judge who talks about limits, rules, what is right, what is wrong, about seriousness, judgments, criticism, perfectionism, your fears and those of others, etc
It’s time to choose your own narrative.
Break the silence and write a letter from your truth with everything you no longer wish to keep in your life.
“I am willing to be myself without hiding. I live my truth, for me and for all those who came before and couldn’t. I deserve to be happy. I deserve to be happy. My life is a miracle.”

Awareness Raising
Have you ever felt like a slave to your own thoughts?
It is your call to come out of Plato’s cave and become aware that we are not our thoughts, we are much more and that I can choose which thoughts to give voice to and which not to give voice to. I myself have created this prison, and I myself can get out.
What thoughts do you choose and what action can you take today to give you freedom?
“I free myself from beliefs that keep me from moving forward. I am not my mind, I am everything I decide to be and more. I choose to be free, I choose to be happy now.”

Awareness Raising
Have you ever felt like a slave to your own thoughts?
It is your call to come out of Plato’s cave and become aware that we are not our thoughts, we are much more and that I can choose which thoughts to give voice to and which not to give voice to. I myself have created this prison, and I myself can get out.
What thoughts do you choose and what action can you take today to give you freedom?
“I free myself from beliefs that keep me from moving forward. I am not my mind, I am everything I decide to be and more. I choose to be free, I choose to be happy now.”

The Commitment
Time to rebel Your truth will set you free
Song about the disenchantment with the imposed reality, so victimizing and disempowering. It’s time to take ownership of yourself, to no longer accept submission or noise and to know that you deserve more.
Express yourself freely and without labels and live life on your own terms.
“I love, value and respect myself. I am true to myself and my values. I abandon criticism, mistreatment and disrespect. I choose what is best for me and my life. I create the life of my dreams under my own rules.”
The Commitment
Time to rebel Your truth will set you free
Song about the disenchantment with the imposed reality, so victimizing and disempowering. It’s time to take ownership of yourself, to no longer accept submission or noise and to know that you deserve more.
Express yourself freely and without labels and live life on your own terms.
“I love, value and respect myself. I am true to myself and my values. I abandon criticism, mistreatment and disrespect. I choose what is best for me and my life. I create the life of my dreams under my own rules.”

The Blessing
What gifts have your ancestors passed on to you?
This song is a time to reflect and honor the women in your family and listen with the voice of your heart to the advice your ancestors would give you. It is time to draw strength from your family tree and its narrative, to harvest the words of love, hope and empowerment.
What would they tell you at this point?
“I dare. I dare to dream and go for my dreams. I dare to be myself with all the consequences.”

The Blessing
What gifts have your ancestors passed on to you?
This song is a time to reflect and honor the women in your family and listen with the voice of your heart to the advice your ancestors would give you. It is time to draw strength from your family tree and its narrative, to harvest the words of love, hope and empowerment.
What would they tell you at this point?
“I dare. I dare to dream and go for my dreams. I dare to be myself with all the consequences.”

This is the sign you’ve been waiting for.
This is the call from your soul to tell you that you are ready, IT IS THE TIME. You can feel it if you turn down the external noise, your soul is whispering to you!
Listen, look inside yourself and take the step.
“I trust myself. I trust my intuition. I follow my gut.”
This is the sign you’ve been waiting for.
This is the call from your soul to tell you that you are ready, IT IS THE TIME. You can feel it if you turn down the external noise, your soul is whispering to you!
Listen, look inside yourself and take the step.
“I trust myself. I trust my intuition. I follow my gut.”

Freedom and Celebration
It’s time to celebrate, it’s time to enjoy.
It’s time to have fun, play, travel, experiment, dance as if no one is watching, tear your skin off, laugh out loud, dance barefoot, go skinny dipping, hug trees just because why not?… Live your dreams now.
Appreciate the path, the decisions made and celebrate!
“I choose to enjoy and give myself pleasure. I release myself from rigidity and let go of control. I choose to be happy and have a good time now.”

Freedom and Celebration
It’s time to celebrate, it’s time to enjoy.
It’s time to have fun, play, travel, experiment, dance as if no one is watching, tear your skin off, laugh out loud, dance barefoot, go skinny dipping, hug trees just because why not?… Live your dreams now.
Appreciate the path, the decisions made and celebrate!
“I choose to enjoy and give myself pleasure. I release myself from rigidity and let go of control. I choose to be happy and have a good time now.”

Think about your loved ones and people who love and support you on a daily basis.
Give thanks today for these people in your life that you can trust and rely on when you need them. What a blessing!
When you doubt or fall, they are just a call away to fill you with love.
“I am loved. I surround myself with people who love me and want the best for me. I am not alone.”
Think about your loved ones and people who love and support you on a daily basis.
Give thanks today for these people in your life that you can trust and rely on when you need them. What a blessing!
When in doubt or when you fall down, call them.
“I am loved. I surround myself with people who love me and want the best for me. I am not alone.”

La Esperanza
What was your story during the pandemic? how did you feel? what did you learn? Do you see changes today as a result of that?
Cultivate the alchemical mind that learns from pains and turns them into gold like the alchemists.
This song was written during the pandemic from a hopeful perspective of the future, while we were living in a confusing and painful reality. I wrote about what I wanted to see.
What do you need to look at today with new eyes?
“I have faith and hope that everything will work out. Every day is a gift and a new opportunity. I know now that I am my home. The best is yet to come.”

La Esperanza
What was your story during the pandemic? how did you feel? what did you learn? Do you see changes today as a result of that?
Cultivate the alchemical mind that learns from pains and turns them into gold like the alchemists.
This song was written during the pandemic from a hopeful perspective of the future, while we were living in a confusing and painful reality. I wrote about what I wanted to see.
What do you need to look at today with new eyes?
“I have faith and hope that everything will work out. Every day is a gift and a new opportunity. I know now that I am my home. The best is yet to come.”

Get for free 5 days of exclusive songs and content for you to connect with your inner transformation process.
Plus, you’ll be the first one to know about any upcoming songs and other surprises or events related to the visual album.
✨How it was created✨.
The short film
We have already shot the first part of the short film, all in my hometown in Spain: Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real) and its surroundings. Take a look at it:
Thanks to Jose del Aguila, Salva, Eloy, Alvaro, Javier from culture, Jose technician from the Auditorium of Valdepeñas, Querida Patro and Alvaro, Hector Caro and his students, my friend Clara and her daughter Lucia, my Bego, Ongui, Adriana, Amanda, Maria Isabel, Angela Corredor, Cristian, to Blanca Lionne, Lucía, Ovidio, Vicen, Stefan, to Paco for the judge robe, to Prado for the hairdresser, to Nato for the fabulous make-up, to Alberto Marador, to Cherrita, to Vega, to Sara, Amigas de mamá, to Miguel, to Ongi, to Maria Angeles, to Jose María and his vintage car, to Jose, the one with the horse! To everbody at La Alegría de la huerta, my father, my mother, my aunt Mari, Muebles Ros and the City Council of Valdepeñas.
Do you want to know more?
In the coming months I will be revealing songs and parts of the shortfilm! I am thrilled! I’m super excited to share everything with you!