"Alquimia Musical" (Musical Alchemy): Songs with messages to inspire and transform the soul.

Behind every song there is an emotion as a result of an experience, a learning experience and a decision I had to make. I have felt it like Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey”, in fact the album has been conceived as a complete progressive work moving from the deepest darkness, towards the light of consciousness.

When integrating the short film to create the Album
I was inspired by the visual masterpiece album “Lemonade” by Beyoncé and the movie “Chaótica Ana” by Julio Medem, one of my favorite movies. In these two plays, we are spectators of a strong and brave woman who goes through a dark moment and lives through all kinds of emotions to learn from them, grow and regain her power.

With Alquimia Interna I deeply want to bring this message of empowerment to women and that we learn to make the best of every stage of our journey.

We can say that each song is part of a stage, or chapter and brings an important message to the listener.

I have not yet revealed all the song titles but I have revealed their themes and messages, which you can read directly on the website in the form of an oracle.

Here I summarize what they are about and the composition process.

The Permit (message)

Title of the song: ALLOW

It talks about allowing yourself to be free, to let your tears, your laughter, your heart flow. That even if you come with wounds from the past, you trust and allow change.

It is the fruit of my process of transforming the pain of my pandemic experience and my broken heart into something beautiful. In order to do so, he needed to give me permission.


Song title: still to be revealed.

Dialogue arising from introspection, from reflecting on where I want to take my life Speaks about trust. That’s the advice I would ask to be given.

I started writing it in 2018 when I was lost in London looking for work as a musician.


Song title: still to be revealed.

It is a letter of confession to the voice of the judge in my head. To break with silence, with being correct, or to consider myself “less”.

It arises from the violence of my learned negative thoughts and how disidentifying from them helps me gain strength.

Awareness raising

Song title: still to be revealed.

It talks about the prison of my mind and anxiety, about becoming aware that we are not our thoughts and that it is possible to get out of that prison.

Another more explicit song as we are the creators of our prison and our salvation, we have the power. The first step is awareness.

The commitment

Song title: still to be revealed.

I sing with the certainty that I deserve more, that I no longer accept submission. Betting on what one feels, thinks and values. Living life on one’s own terms. Decide. is the first step.

It arises from my inner conflicts with my artistic nature and how by accepting them, I regain my life and my power.

The Blessing

Song title: still to be revealed.

Song dedicated to the women of my family. As I am repeating patterns and want to break them. This is the advice I would give to any woman in need of strength.

It arises as I begin to realize how everything is part of a family history that I am repeating and that it is up to me to break the chains to set us free.


Song title: still to be revealed.

Conversation with the superior being, with the universe. Where it gives support. The way is inward. Your home is you.

It arises from meditations and how in silence the voice of intuition begins to emerge.

Freedom and Celebration

Song title: still to be revealed.

It speaks of who I was in the past and who I want to be now. I decide to enjoy life.

It arises from all this awareness that invites me to celebrate the fact that I am alive!


Song title: still to be revealed.

It talks about trusting ourselves and trusting people. Together we are stronger. Version of the song “TELL HIM” by Lauryn hill written on the day of the 15M demonstrations, May 15, 2011.

La Esperanza

Song title: still to be revealed.

Written during the pandemic from England (where I was caught) and written from a perspective of the future and hope, the opposite of what it seemed at the time.

Looking for the light within the journey, I wanted to focus on 3 fundamental points when composing the songs for this album:

  1. Telling my Personal Experiences with a Focus on the Positive: Authentic lyrics and coherent melodies with a clear message of learning from each experience and turning that pain and uncertainty into gold, as the alchemists did.
  1. International Language: written in English and Spanish to reflect the stage where it all started, from England trapped and longing for Spain.
  1. Experimentation and Exploration of Musical Genres: You will find songs of different genres, to suit the mood you are in. As well as experimenting with sounds, rhythms and musical techniques to emphasize the messages of each song.

Why create music for the soul

I share with you that each song has asked me to overcome a real test in my life, and with each song I have been getting closer to my center, to my truth, to my essence, going through pains, fears, losses and wounds.

I want to inspire you to find the same. I can say today that I have lived and experienced every letter, every note, every instrument in my own flesh and it has not been an easy road but I feel more alive, more full of energy, more in connection with my being, and I want the same for you.

Julia Samadhi, what I want to tell you

I want to transmit shelter, home, strength for you to regain your sovereignty, to empower you, to inspire you to be better, to love yourself, to cherish yourself, to pamper yourself, to play!

I want to express a colorful world where you can use every song for every mood and that serves to release them, to grow with them, to learn from them.

I want you to be able to immerse yourself in my inner world to recognize these universal emotions that connect us all and feel less lonely.

I want it to be an album with which we can do “alchemy” in our life, it is an invitation to become an “Alchemist of your life” where you are able to overcome any challenge, learn from it and make “gold”.

For the moment you can already enjoy ALLOW, the first song.

Have you listened to it? What did you feel? Do you find the message of the song meaningful to you?

Of the messages in the songs I mentioned, do any of them resonate with you?

Tell me about it, I’d love to hear from you.

Thank you very much, Julia.


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