discover Alquimia Interna

10 songs and a magical short film

A musical-visual journey of transformation and healing through the realm of emotions and the unconscious.

✨the Oracle of Alquimia:✨

I invite you to double click on a card-song and see what message it has for you today.


First song of the visual-album

You can now listen to ALLOW, this song is the first on the album and a call to heal our wounds. To give ourselves permission to honor them and begin the inner adventure towards healing and empowerment after a dark period.

In the video, the reunion with my inner child initiates this journey of personal liberation. She is the key that guides me to the rite of passage that will lead me to get in touch with the world of the unconscious, where the magic and healing will happen in the following songs.

The music and lyrics came to me as a balm in 2020 when I felt lost, disoriented and took refuge in music to process my grief and the fleeting and irrational loss of my grandmother Bernarda.


First song of the visual-album

You can now listen to ALLOW, this song is the first on the album and a call to heal our wounds. To give ourselves permission to honor them and begin the inner adventure towards healing and empowerment after a dark period.

In the video, the reunion with my inner child initiates this journey of personal liberation. She is the key that guides me to the rite of passage that will lead me to get in touch with the world of the unconscious, where the magic and healing will happen in the following songs.

The music and lyrics came to me as a balm in 2020 when I felt lost, disoriented and took refuge in music to process my grief and the fleeting and irrational loss of my grandmother Bernarda.

What they say


"From the first notes you have captivated us and, after hearing your voice, we are completely in love.
We will be following your track and waiting for new releases.
For the time being, we will program it in our weekly program on ARCO FM.
Congratulations for knowing how to combine talent and sensitivity so well. A hug!"

See you in the front row - Media Outlet, Radio Station. Spain

"A lovely and sensual voice. The music video is very well produced. The theme will be an impressive success."

Radio Click Digital - Journalist. Argentina

"A delicate piano and voice piece that creates a wonderful emotional story for the listener.
A true message that speaks volumes to people at certain times in their lives.
A captivating and heartfelt track that showcases your vocal range, drive and passion within the song.
I love and adore the mix between languages.
Thank you for sharing with PAR and good luck with your future projects".

Power Ace Radio - Radio Station. United Kingdom

julia samadhi

Music goes where words cannot

My name is Julia and I learned to communicate with music before words.

Alquimia Interna is a map for times of uncertainty that brings light and hope when pain blinds.

Alquimia Interna is music that embraces you in the distance, that nurtures, cares and rocks you when you need it most. It is a balm that heals deep wounds, naming and singing truths that illuminate your heart and lift the weight of the soul to take flight and remember the magic of being human.

Alquimia Interna is the sign you were waiting for to dare and go for the change you desire and deserve.

This album reminds us of the magic of life and the experience and gift of being alive here and now.


My album Inner Alchemy is on the way, but there is so much more we can do together.

I compose and produce my own music, as well as give singing lessons, private concerts, coaching and much more.

If you want my services, write me and we’ll talk about it.


Contenido exclusivo y 5 días de canciones inéditas que solo podrás escuchar en tu bandeja de email al dejar tu correo.

Únete a este viaje inolvidable de transformación que ¡acaba de empezar!


Get for free 5 days of unreleased songs that you will only be able to listen to in your email inbox when you share your email.

Join this unforgettable musical journey of transformation that has just begun!